Integrated Transmission Planning

2024 Integrated Transmission Plan (ITP)

SPP’s 2024 Integrated Transmission Plan (ITP) is the organization's biggest-ever single portfolio of transmission enhancements in terms of both size and value, designed to add more than 2,000 miles of new and upgraded transmission lines to the region's grid. The SPP Board of Directors approved the historic $7.7 billion plan in October 2024.

About the ITP

The integrated transmission planning process (ITP) is an annual planning cycle that assesses near- and long-term economic and reliability transmission needs. The ITP produces a 10-year transmission expansion plan each year, combining near-term, 10-year, and NERC transmission planning (TPL-001-4) assessments into one study. The 20-year assessment is performed once every five years unless otherwise directed by the SPP board of directors. 

The process seeks to target a reasonable balance between long-term transmission investments and congestion costs to customers. The ITP works in concert with SPP's existing subregional planning stakeholder process and continues in parallel with the NERC TPL-001-4 compliance process.

ITP plans that are reviewed by the Markets and Operations Policy Committee (MOPC) and approved by the SPP board of directors will allow staff to issue notification to construct (NTC) letters for approved projects needed within the four-year financial commitment horizon. An authorization to plan (ATP) is issued for projects needed beyond the four-year financial horizon. Once an NTC or ATP is issued, the project will be reviewed annually to ensure the continued need for the project and the required in-service date.

ITP 20-Year Assessment

The objective of the ITP 20-Year Assessment (ITP20) is to develop a recommended extra high voltage backbone (345 kV and above) for a 20-year horizon. The design's success depends on its ability to provide a robust system that enables transmission usage and generation access. The assessment identifies a versatile transmission system capable of providing cost-effective energy delivery for a broad range of possible generation resource futures.

The ITP20 analysis consists of engineering models to facilitate development of long-range transmission plans, requiring input and review from the Economic Studies Working Group (ESWG), Transmission Working Group (TWG), Cost Allocation Working Group (CAWG), Strategic Planning Committee (SPC), Regional State Committee (RSC) and MOPC.