June 22, 2023

Southwest Power Pool named one of the best places to work in Arkansas

Southwest Power Pool (SPP) has been named one of the best places to work in Arkansas, according to Arkansas Business. The Best Places to Work in Arkansas recognition is a result of a survey administered by Workforce Research Group and identifies, recognizes and honors the best employers throughout the state.

To qualify for this distinction, employers and employees complete an anonymous, in-depth questionnaire about their organizations which examines a number of facets including leadership and planning, corporate culture, employ relations and communications as well as salary and benefits.  The results are used to narrow down and identify the top 50 employers in the state.

SPP, which has historically placed a strong emphasis on the value of its employees, was recognized as one of the best places to work in Arkansas in 2013, 2021, 2022. Additionally, SPP was awarded the Benchmark Award in 2014 which identifies the top organization in the state for general workplace excellence.

All finalists and category winners will be recognized at the Sept. 12 awards ceremony hosted by Arkansas Business.

For more information, visit www.arkansasbusiness.com/bestplacestowork.

Meghan Sever, 501-482-2393, msever@spp.org