Press Releases
Barbara Sugg elected as SPP Vice President of Information Technology
The Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) Board of Directors elected Barbara Sugg as Vice President of Information Technology.
Read MoreWind study identifies challenges, solutions to adding more wind energy to the regional electric grid
The recently released SPP WITF Wind Integration Study, conducted by Charles River Associates (CRA) on behalf of the Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) Wind Integration Task Force (WITF), found that enhanced electricity reserves and major transmission reinforcements are needed to integrate higher levels of wind generation into the SPP transmission system and energy markets.
Read MoreNew integrated transmission expansion planning process and cost allocation methodology approved
Yesterday the Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) Board of Directors approved a new Integrated Transmission Planning (ITP) process that will determine what transmission is needed to maintain electric reliability and provide near- and long-term economic benefits to the SPP region, which includes all or parts of Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Read MoreSPP priority transmission expansion projects endorsed, pending further study
Today the Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) Board of Directors approved a package of transmission expansion “Priority Projects” for further analysis and review by regional stakeholders with oversight from the Strategic Planning Committee and in coordination with the Markets and Operations Policy Committee.
Read MoreNew integrated planning process will focus on regional, EHV transmission expansion
The Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) Board of Directors approved a new report that recommends restructuring the organization’s regional planning processes.
Press Releases
- Spring 2018 Quarterly State of the Market Report highlights load changes, energy prices and auction revenue rights
- Western, Basin, Heartland join Southwest Power Pool
- SPP board directs construction of high-voltage transmission projects in 6 states, discusses growth in the west, hears stakeholder reports
- Southwest Power Pool releases final analysis of draft Clean Power Plan
- SPP opens lines of communication with western reliability-coordination customers with new stakeholder forum
- Southwest Power Pool appoints Matt Morais Associate General Counsel
- SPP’s westward growth continues with administration of congestion-management plan
- Southwest Power Pool accepting applications to serve on competitive transmission construction review panel for 2016
- SPP to provide RC service for numerous western utilities beginning in late 2019
- Southwest Power Pool expands electric grid management to 14 states
- Summer 2018 Quarterly State of the Market Report highlights energy prices, decline in congestion
- SPP Clean Power Plan assessment shows regional compliance possible by 2030, but at a cost
- Southwest Power Pool, Little Rock School District partner to enhance STEM education for local students
- Ross, See elected as SPP Officers
- Southwest Power Pool elects Susan Certoma and Darcy Ortiz to board of directors
- FERC approves Integrated System joining SPP
- Southwest Power Pool board outlines 2019 goals, approves new rate schedules and endorses 2018 transmission planning report
- SPP assesses Clean Power Plan, says more time is needed to implement
- As it turns five, Southwest Power Pool’s Integrated Marketplace is saving billions and enabling big changes in energy dispatch
- SPP Board approves changes to facilitate Integrated System membership
- SPP invites utilities to help build an electricity market to serve the west
- SPP seeks industry experts to serve on competitive transmission project panels
- Southwest Power Pool leaders talk western expansion, holistic change and market performance at quarterly meetings
- SPP’s Integrated Marketplace online and running smoothly
- SPP proposes Western Energy Imbalance Service Market to bring cost savings and grid modernization to the west
- SPP stakeholders vote to proceed with Integrated Marketplace March 1
- Southwest Power Pool President and CEO Nick Brown to retire after more than three decades of leadership
- SPP files complaint with FERC over lack of compensation from MISO
- Southwest Power Pool board approves policy recommendations to enhance reliability, planning and market functions
- SPP to implement Integrated Marketplace’s TCR Market October 18
- Southwest Power Pool board promotes three to senior vice president roles
- SPP board approves $751 million of transmission expansion projects
- Three regional utilities announce decision to join Southwest Power Pool market
- SPP Order 1000 compliance filing proposes open competitive transmission project process
- Report: SPP had lowest average wholesale market prices nationwide in 2019
- Ciesiel named SPP RE General Manager
- SPP board directs construction of 44 transmission projects; elects new leaders
- Ross to join SPP as SVP for Government Affairs and Public Relations
- Southwest Power Pool COO Carl Monroe announces plans to retire in Q1 2020
- Withdraw of appeal gives full confidence in highway/byway regional cost allocation process
- SPP receives certification to provide Western Reliability Coordination service starting Dec. 3, 2019
- SPP files tariff revisions for Integrated Marketplace
- Southwest Power Pool now providing reliability coordination service in the west
- SPP Board approves over $1.7 billion of transmission expansion projects
- SPP launches new Strategic Market Roadmap development process
- SPP to add 50 jobs to Little Rock in 2012
- SPP’s western market gains two new participants
- Southwest Power Pool better choice for Arkansas customers and local community
- Southwest Power Pool board names Barbara Sugg as new president and CEO
- OPPD reaffirms status as SPP member
- Southwest Power Pool elects Bronwen Bastone to board of directors
- SPP region hits all-time record for electricity use
- Nickell elected as SPP’s chief operating officer
- SPP is the best choice for Entergy and Arkansas ratepayers
- SPP announces 2020 transmission expansion plan and electricity storage recommendations
- Southwest Power Pool anticipates renegotiation of JOA if Entergy joins MISO
- Southwest Power Pool board names new executive leaders
- SPP Board approves Integrated Marketplace budget
- SPP files WEIS Tariff with FERC
- Southwest Power Pool receives USEA 2011 Energy Industry Volunteer Partnership award
- SPP seeks industry experts to assess competitive transmission project proposals (2)
- SPP approves transmission plan for the Year 2030, further development of new energy markets
- A message to stakeholders re: SPP's COVID-19 response
- Power restored in southern Louisiana
- A message to stakeholders re: SPP's COVID-19 response (1)
- Suskie to Join Southwest Power Pool
- SPP COVID-19 Response Update - March 26, 2020
- SPP holds groundbreaking ceremony for new campus
- In memory of Bruce Scherr
- Integrated transmission planning process approved by FERC
- SPP COVID-19 Response Update - April 2, 2020
- FERC approves new cost sharing method for expanding SPP’s transmission grid
- SPP COVID-19 Response Update - April 9, 2020
- SPP approves construction of new electric transmission infrastructure
- SPP COVID-19 Response Update - April 16, 2020
- SPP proposes new cost sharing method for expanding the regional electric transmission grid
- SPP COVID-19 Response Update - April 23, 2020
- Southwest Power Pool to build corporate headquarters in Little Rock
- SPP board discusses COVID-19 impacts, approves uniform local planning criteria
- Barbara Sugg elected as SPP Vice President of Information Technology
- SPP COVID-19 Response Update - May 7, 2020
- Wind study identifies challenges, solutions to adding more wind energy to the regional electric grid
- SPP COVID-19 Response Update - May 14, 2020
- New integrated transmission expansion planning process and cost allocation methodology approved
- SPP COVID-19 Response Update - May 21, 2020
- SPP priority transmission expansion projects endorsed, pending further study
- SPP COVID-19 Response Update - June 11, 2020
- New integrated planning process will focus on regional, EHV transmission expansion
- SPP COVID-19 Response Update - July 1, 2020
- SPP, MISO and Joint Parties Reach Transmission Usage Agreement
- SPP stakeholders discuss wind, market roadmap, 2020 goals and HITT improvements
- Southwest Power Pool elects Graham Edwards, Bruce Scherr to Board of Directors
- Northwest Power Pool hires Southwest Power Pool to aid in resource adequacy program development
- Transmission upgrades delivering substantial value for Southwest Power Pool members
- SPP’s role in western reliability continues to grow with addition of new customers in four states
- SPP employees inspire students to explore STEM education
- An update from SPP President & CEO Barbara Sugg - Sept. 3, 2020
- SPP RE Trustees elect new chairman
- MISO and SPP to conduct joint study targeting interconnection challenges
- SPP Seeks Industry Experts to Assess Competitive Transmission Project Proposals
- From SPP's COO: Pandemic response update and news from the Sept. 22 board meeting
- SPP completes competitive transmission project process, publishes industry expert report and recommendation to board
- Southwest Power Pool Elects Elizabeth Moore to board of directors
- Customizable mapping tool provides improved situation awareness for grid operators
- SPP stakeholders approve transmission plans and improvements to power grid operations
- SPP board votes to lower planning reserve margins, award first competitively bid project, approve $363M in transmission upgrades
- SPP and stakeholders will consider RTO expansion to the west; study anticipates $49M in annual savings for current and new members
- Total savings from SPP’s markets cross the $1 billion mark
- An update from SPP President & CEO Barbara Sugg - Dec. 14, 2020
- Southwest Power Pool celebrates 75 years of electric reliability through relationships
- Kara Fornstrom to serve as SPP director of state regulatory policy
- Southwest Power Pool elects Mark Crisson to Board of Directors, approves 13 transmission upgrades
- SPP receives approval of western market tariff
- SPP’s Sugg testifies to lawmakers that electric utility industry is committed to security of the power grid
- SPP seeks industry experts to assess competitive transmission project proposals (3)
- With DOE approval, Southwest Power Pool now authorized to export power into Canada
- Former FERC director to join SPP staff
- SPP sets North American record for wind power
- SPP becomes first regional grid operator with wind as No. 1 annual fuel source, considers electric storage participation in markets, approves 2021 transmission plan
- Report from North America’s electricity system operators examines impact of emerging technologies
- Southwest Power Pool expands offerings to western utilities with launch of new electricity market
- Keith Collins to oversee Southwest Power Pool Market Monitoring Unit beginning June 1, 2017
- Southwest Power Pool preparing for worsening system conditions due to extreme cold
- SPP seeks industry experts to assess competitive transmission project proposals - 20170712
- SPP issues new energy emergency alert due to extreme cold
- Southwest Power Pool to dissolve regional entity, focus on regional transmission organization functions
- SPP elevates Energy Emergency Alert to Level 3 as grid conditions tighten further
- Grid operator Southwest Power Pool keeps the lights on during August 21 eclipse
- SPP restores load, anticipates that regional grid conditions will continue to evolve
- Summer 2017 Quarterly State of the Market Report highlights energy pricing trends, new scarcity pricing methodology and more
- Grid Conditions Update (Feb. 16, 2021 6:46 a.m.): EEA3 declared effective immediately
- SPP sets wind and renewable penetration records
- SPP ends Energy Emergency Alert, remains in conservative operations
- Fall 2017 Quarterly State of the Market Report highlights energy pricing trends, generation by wind resources, a discussion of negative prices and more
- A statement from Barbara Sugg, Southwest Power Pool president and chief executive officer
- Southwest Power Pool, Mountain West Transmission Group move closer to RTO membership for western entities
- SPP to conduct comprehensive review of February winter storm event
- Winter 2018 Quarterly State of the Market Report highlights congestion trends, energy prices, a discussion of winter weather events, and more
- Southwest Power Pool initiates controlled outages to maintain system reliability
- SPP Market Monitor’s Annual State of the Market Report shows competitive markets, recommends steps for enhanced flexibility and efficiency
- Additional utility joins evaluation of RTO expansion to the west; study anticipates $49M in annual savings for current and new members
- SPP seeks industry experts to assess competitive transmission project proposals (1)
- Kelly Carney to serve as SPP vice president of human capital
- SPP to provide reliability-coordination service in the west
- SPP reports $2.14B in annual savings for members, unveils new mission and vision to board of directors
- Colorado Springs Utilities joins Southwest Power Pool’s western market, will evaluate RTO membership
- Talina Mathews to serve as SPP director of state regulatory policy
- SPP board of directors approves western RTO expansion terms and conditions
- SPP board directs action on winter storm recommendations
- Northwest Power Pool to Hire Southwest Power Pool to Provide Program Operator Services for Resource Adequacy Program under Development
- SPP board of directors advances transmission planning and workplace diversity
- SPP’s first gas pipeline member represents close collaboration across industries
- SPP seeks industry experts to assess competitive transmission project proposals (4)
- Southwest Power Pool elects Cupparo and Trowbridge to serve on board of directors
- Colorado utilities plan to join the Western Energy Imbalance Service Market
- MISO and SPP complete Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue
- Tamika Edwards named SPP Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- SPP sets regional records for renewable energy production
- SPP board selects NextEra Energy Transmission Southwest, LLC to construct $55 million Oklahoma transmission project
- Grid operator Southwest Power Pool anticipates sufficient energy resources to keep the lights on throughout the summer
- Southwest Power Pool names directors to support market operation and development
- Southwest Power Pool keeps the lights on as region sets new record for electricity use
- Southwest Power Pool’s western electricity market grows with addition of Colorado Springs Utilities
- Southwest Power Pool announces new western energy market initiative commitment
- SPP welcomes new utility to group evaluating western RTO expansion
- Southwest Power Pool announces additional commitments to western market development
- Arizona entities announce commitment to SPP Markets+ development
- Southwest Power Pool welcomes first international member
- Carrie Simpson to serve as Southwest Power Pool’s director of western services development
- SPP board of directors selects new leadership, SPP membership elects two new directors
- SPP confirms timing of Markets+ implementation milestones; Powerex commits to Markets+ participation and funding
- Southwest Power Pool releases detailed proposal for western energy market
- A message from Barbara Sugg, Southwest Power Pool president and chief executive officer
- Kim O’Guinn to serve as SPP director of state regulatory policy
- SPP announces new vice presidents of markets and engineering
- Southwest Power Pool sees record wintertime electricity use, issues advisories in response to extreme cold
- Southwest Power Pool issues Energy Emergency Alert 1 due to extreme cold
- SPP seeks industry experts to assess competitive transmission project proposals (5)
- SPP names new senior vice president of finance and chief financial officer
- Markets+ phase one development confirmed with first western market commitments
- SPP’s independent and inclusive Markets+ governance model allows diverse voices to drive western market development
- Natasha Henderson named new director of system planning for SPP
- SPP’s development of Markets+ underway with funding and participation from diverse western stakeholders
- SPP’s Western Energy Imbalance Service Market (WEIS) provides millions in benefits, more than doubles in size
- SPP reports show billions in annual savings, analyze performance during Winter Storm Elliott, and anticipate the grid’s future opportunities and challenges
- Southwest Power Pool anticipates sufficient energy resources for summer reliability
- Southwest Power Pool named one of the best places to work in Arkansas
- Southwest Power Pool achieves milestone in Generator Interconnection study backlog mitigation
- SPP board selects NextEra Energy Transmission Southwest, LLC to construct $291.6 million New Mexico transmission project
- SPP RTO will expand with commitments from western utilities
- MN Commerce Department and regional grid operators receive $464 million from U.S. Department of Energy for innovative electric grid project
- Southwest Power Pool welcomes Stuart Solomon, Irene Dimitry to board, reelects Elizabeth Moore to new term
- SPP marks milestones and progress across western efforts in early November
- SPP names Felek Abbas as new vice president and chief security officer
- SPP seeks industry experts to assess competitive transmission project proposals (6)
- Southwest Power Pool Preparing for Significant Cold Weather across Footprint
- Southwest Power Pool board of directors announces new leadership
- SPP marks a decade of Integrated Marketplace and more than $10.2 billion in savings
- Southwest Power Pool Completes and Files Markets+ Tariff with Collaboration and Support from Western Stakeholders
- SPP prepared for April 8 eclipse, expects no significant impacts to grid reliability
- Western utilities express support for continued Markets+ development
- SPP announces changes to executive leadership
- Southwest Power Pool Regional State Committee Celebrates 20 Years of Collaboration and Innovation
- EPA Rule Could Severely Impact Nation’s Efforts Toward Energy Production, Reliability
- Sufficient energy forecasted for higher-than-normal summer temperatures
- SPP files expanded regional transmission organization tariff to include western entities
- Sunny Raheem named SPP’s Director of System Planning, Engineering
- FERC requests additional information regarding Markets+ tariff filing; SPP coordinating response
- SPP board approves new planning reserve margins to protect against high winter, summer use
- Southwest Power Pool President and CEO Barbara Sugg announces retirement after 35 years of service
- Southwest Power Pool issues Energy Emergency Alert 1 due to high temperatures
- SPP Ends Energy Emergency Alert, Remains In Conservative Operations (1)
- SPP Announces Promotions, Retirement
- SPP celebrates 20 years as an RTO with growth and added value for members
- SPP and its member organizations propose historic investment in transmission upgrades
- SPP seeks industry experts to assess competitive transmission project proposals (7)
- SPP stakeholders celebrate 20 years, approve annual budget, elect 2025 board and committee members
- SPP board approves $7.7 billion plan for transmission builds, upgrades
- Carrie Bivens named vice president of SPP Market Monitoring Unit
- SPP Projects Confidence in Meeting Energy Needs This Winter
- Southwest Power Pool board names Lanny Nickell as new president and CEO
- SPP names Antoine Lucas as new chief operating officer
- SPP’s Markets+ tariff receives FERC approval
- SPP names Kevin Bryant EVP, Stakeholder Affairs and Chief Strategy Officer
- Markets+ phase two development confirmed with western market commitments
- Current Grid Conditions
- Grid of the Future
- Stakeholder Report
- Media Center
- Our Challenge
- 2023 Annual Report