SPP Ends Energy Emergency Alert, Remains In Conservative Operations
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. – As of 3:00 p.m. central time, August 26, Southwest Power Pool’s (SPP) 14-state balancing authority area is no longer under an Energy Emergency Alert 1 (EEA1). Due to continuing high temperatures and tightened electric reliability conditions, it remains in a period of conservative operations until 8:00 p.m. central time, August 27.
While grid conditions have improved, we anticipate load and generation fluctuation over the next 24 hours, and conditions could change rapidly. In periods of conservative operations, SPP may use longer-term unit commitment notifications, including making commitments prior to day-ahead and/or committing resources that are in reliability status.
SPP previously declared a move from conservative operations to EEA Level 1 at 12:30 p.m. central time, Aug. 26, 2024. An EEA is declared when all available resources have been committed to meet obligations, and SPP is at risk of not meeting required operating reserves.
While SPP works to maintain regional reliability, customers across our region should continue to follow their local utility’s directions regarding safety, conservation and potential outages.