SPP RTO Compliance
SPP RTO Compliance Department
SPP’s goals for its Compliance and Reliability Standards departments, in part, are to facilitate the compliance of SPP business units relative to their obligations under the NERC Reliability Standards. SPP staff will strive to effectuate a systematic compliance program by providing a framework for proactive management of SPP’s compliance obligations and the oversight necessary to provide assurance that SPP is meeting those obligations. We will partner with SPP staff and with SPP stakeholders and commit to compliance excellence at SPP.
Carl Stelly
Director, SPP RTO Compliance
Adhoc Questions
If you have any questions or requests regarding RTO Compliance or Standards Development, please submit your question via the Request Management System (RMS).
SPP RTO Compliance will be processing attestation requests through the Request Management System (RMS). SPP requests that the attestation include a specific date range. If you do not have an RMS account set up, please follow the instructions.
Attestation requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and SPP makes no guarantees that attestations will be provided for each request.
Compliance-related Departments
Markets & Operations
Compliance-related Working Groups
Security Advisory Group
Operating Reliability Working Group
Reliability Compliance Advisory Group
Supply Adequacy Working Group
System Protection and Control Advisory Group
Transmission Working Group
Western Reliability Working Group
Sign up for these or other working group exploder lists via your SPP.org account page.
Event Reporting for Eastern and Western Interconnect
Reliability Standards
Reliability Standards facilitates SPP’s participation in the NERC Standards Development process, which includes internal review and commenting on proposed Reliability Standards applicable to SPP, staff participation in NERC drafting teams, and supports SPP’s implementation efforts for newly approved enforceable Reliability Standards. Reliability Standards coordinates with the Interregional Relations group, the Compliance department, and SPP subject matter experts for balloting positions, as well as determining discrepancies in positions between SPP’s comments and industry, including SPP members and industry groups in which SPP staff participate.
You can review our posted comments here.
Considering a seat on a NERC Drafting Team? Research openings here.
You can register for all calls via the SPP calendar of events.