Transmission Congestion Rights Markets

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The Southwest Power Pool Transmission Congestion Rights Markets (TCR Markets) provide financial rights that can be used to hedge against the Day-Ahead Market transmission congestion between two settlement locations.

The SPP TCR Markets process uses two forms of rights. First, the TCR is used to distribute the Day-Ahead congestion rents that occur each hour. Second, the Auction Revenue Rights (ARRs) are used for the distribution of the revenue generated in the auctioning and awarding of TCRs. TCRs and ARRs are source-to-sink (point-to-point) instruments that are awarded in 0.1 MW increments.

The SPP TCR Markets process consists of an annual process followed by monthly processes to award Long-Term Congestion Rights (LTCRs) and On-Peak and Off-Peak ARRs and TCRs. The annual ARR and TCR process includes 14 distinct products, one product for each unique combination of On-Peak or Off-Peak Time of Use across the seven different periods that make up the TCR year (June through the following May). Those seven periods are: June, July, August, September, fall, winter and spring. The seasonal products are separated into monthly products before the applicable SPP TCR Markets monthly process.

The SPP TCR Markets are primarily described in SPP's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) in Attachment AE, section 7, and in the SPP Market Protocols, section 3.2 and 5.