WIT Administration
The WECC Interchange Tool (WIT) administration is collaboratively performed by an interconnection administrator and multiple balancing authority (BA) data administrators.
The WIT interconnection administrator is the contract holder, Reliability Coordinator West (RC West). The balancing authority data administrators are RC West and Southwest Power Pool (SPP). The WIT is the primary means to confirm net scheduled interchange (NSI) for preschedule checkout based on the WECC Preschedule Calendar, next-hour checkout (from current operating hour), current-hour checkout upon change, past-hour checkout in current day, and past-day checkout.
WIT is also the primary means to acknowledge agreement of net actual interchange (NAI) for past-hour checkout in the current day and past-day checkout. Per BAL-004-WECC-3, WIT shall calculate the month-end absolute value of each BA on-peak and off-peak, accumulated primary inadvertent interchange.