Press Releases
SPP celebrates 20 years as an RTO with growth and added value for members
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. — Southwest Power Pool (SPP) celebrated 20 years as a regional transmission organization (RTO) on Oct. 4. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved and designated SPP as an RTO on Oct. 4, 2004, positioning the grid operator to expand its services and value to its diverse group of members and leading to continued growth of the SPP footprint and more than $3.6 billion in annual benefits.
Read MoreSPP Announces Promotions, Retirement
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. — Southwest Power Pool (SPP) today announced multiple promotions to director- and executive-level roles in their legal and engineering areas as well as the retirement of an industry veteran.
Read MoreSouthwest Power Pool issues Energy Emergency Alert 1 due to high temperatures
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. – The effects of widespread high temperatures have led to tightening electric reliability conditions in Southwest Power Pool’s (SPP) 14-state service territory in the central U.S. We have issued an Energy Emergency Alert 1 (EEA1) effective at 12:30 pm central time and until further notice.
Read MoreSPP Ends Energy Emergency Alert, Remains In Conservative Operations
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. – As of 3:00 p.m. central time, August 26, Southwest Power Pool’s (SPP) 14-state balancing authority area is no longer under an Energy Emergency Alert 1 (EEA1). Due to continuing high temperatures and tightened electric reliability conditions, it remains in a period of conservative operations until 8:00 p.m. central time, August 27.
Read MoreSouthwest Power Pool President and CEO Barbara Sugg announces retirement after 35 years of service
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. — Southwest Power Pool’s (SPP) President and CEO Barbara Sugg announced on August 8 that she will retire in April 2025 following 35 years of service to the organization. SPP’s board of directors has engaged search firm Heidrick & Struggles to assess internal and external candidates to identify Sugg’s replacement. The board will name a new CEO prior to Sugg’s departure, allowing ample time for a smooth, effective transition.
Read MoreSPP board approves new planning reserve margins to protect against high winter, summer use
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. — At their August 5-6 meetings, Southwest Power Pool’s (SPP) Regional State Committee and Board of Directors approved increases to the planning reserve margins (PRM) member utilities are required to maintain in support of regional grid reliability. PRM represents the amount of back-up power utilities must have to guard against unplanned conditions or events on the regional power grid.
Read MoreFERC requests additional information regarding Markets+ tariff filing; SPP coordinating response
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. — Southwest Power Pool (SPP) received a letter from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on July 31 requesting additional information regarding the grid operator’s March 29 Markets+ tariff filing. SPP has already begun work considering these requests and is preparing responses that SPP leaders are confident will adequately demonstrate readiness to build and launch a regional, day-ahead market that effectively and equitably serves customers across the Western Interconnection.
Read MoreSunny Raheem named SPP’s Director of System Planning, Engineering
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. — Southwest Power Pool (SPP) has chosen Sunny Raheem as its new Director of System Planning for the Engineering Department, effective July 16, 2024.
Read MoreSPP files expanded regional transmission organization tariff to include western entities
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. — Southwest Power Pool (SPP) reached a significant milestone June 4, when it filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) amendments to its tariff that include provisions specific to its western members. Pending FERC’s approval, SPP will become the first organization in the U.S. to provide full regional transmission organization (RTO) services in both the Eastern and Western Interconnections of the nation’s power grid beginning in early 2026.
Read MoreSufficient energy forecasted for higher-than-normal summer temperatures
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. — Southwest Power Pool (SPP), responsible for coordinating electric reliability in a 14-state area in the central United States, expects to have enough generation to meet energy demand despite higher regional temperatures this summer.
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